saturday wheather report : old words…

carved on the Stones of Venice.

Venezia come città romantica è stata inventata durante l’Ottocento da artisti anglosassoni come John Ruskin e John Singer Sargent . Però nella vecchia città è come stare perennemente sotto gli occhi severi di pietra delle statue, siano esse religiose o civili. Un osservatore silenzioso di chi la sta visitando. E questo da secoli.

During the nineteenth century anglosaxon artists like John Ruskin and John Singer Sargent invented Venice as romantic city. However within many centuries the city was never so romantic: this is not to say Venice was a version of Gotham City but from a young age when my parents driving me throught the venetian streets I was impressed by the stone statues.
These stone statues, civil or religious, had egle-eyed as a silent threatening look. For centuries this has been.

Saint Mark Square and its Christmas Tree 2020

On 1555 the philosopher Guillaume Postel was arrested in this house by the Holy Inquisition.

The words in ancient venetian language carved in stone say : here your complaint regarding medical malpractice in Dorsoduro neighborhood.

campo santa margherita

campo manin


street art

all pictures taken by rinaldo rasa in venice, italy – december 2020





thank all you

I love you all

stay tuned!

saturday december 12, 2020


beat artists

Collected Images

1997-2019 edited by Rinaldo Rasa

Dennis Hopper and Michael Bowen photo 1996 copyright I.Paoli collection, I.Paoli private library Florence Italy San Francisco opening night photo at the De Young Museums hosting of the Whitneys touring “Beat Culture and the New America” exhibit. artist Michael Bowen and actor/photographer Dennis Hopper were exhibited in the main gallery

Beat artist Bowen painted Lennon at Titenhurst house, Lennons place in England near Windsor castle.Bowen was invited there from India by Dan Richter Johns companion and best friend. When Bowen arrived at the place on his birthday in 1969,the household was in disarry, police searches everyday, hari krishnas just kicked out after having tried to wheedle an old chinese temple on the grounds from John. John , depressed, kicking junk after just returning from Scotland where he recorded Cold Turkey. Bowen named the 8 Lennon pieces he did in the week he was living with john and yoko “The Cold Turkey Suite”

poet Gregory Corso and artist Michael Bowen in front of famous beat hang out “Cafe Trieste in San Francisco. late 1970s. photo copyright Roberto Ayala collection of ,I.Paoli, private library Florence Italy.

Artist Michael Bowen and poets Allen Ginzberg and Michael McClure together at Ginzbergs last photo exhibit. 1996 in San Francisco. photo copyright I.Paoli property of I.Paoli Beat library, Florence Italy In this photo McClure appears to salute , with his wineglass, I.Paoli as she takes the photo. Actually McClures well known modesty hides a mid process in the installation of new dentures. “A good fortune for McClure, which race and poverty had denied black poet Bob Kaufman, michael bowen

roberto ayala & michael bowen 70s trieste s.f. foto maitreya bowen

ginzbergs dream is over (Michael Bowen ©)

co existance bagel shop 1957 original photo by roberto ayala –courtesy by Michael Bowen

monroe original photo by roberto ayala –courtesy by Michael Bowen

anger an original photograph by michael bowen –courtesy by Michael Bowen

James (Jaf) Frankfort studio 1954.

3 pictures of my father, todd moore—jason moore

Michael Bowen Poet wood block 2005

Michael Bowen average thinking 2006

Here is a reunion of sorts. Jerry Kamstra and Michael McCracken, Jr. in Santa Cruz 11-99. Jerry and my father were best friends, along with Arthur Monroe and Michael Bowen. Michael McCracken, Jr

Alan Kaufmann, 1998

William S. Burroughs — courtesy by Patricia Elliott

WSB hat and David Rhaesa, 1997 — courtesy by David Rhaesa I think that’s me and Dennis Moore’s Hat.–David Rhaesa, 2003

Ohle in Lousiana, 1997 — courtesy by Patricia Elliott

Ted Joans, 1997 — courtesy by Mike Watt

Jack Kerouac and Gian Pieretti october 1966 in Italy

William S. Burroughs — courtesy by Patricia Elliott

James — courtesy by Patricia Elliott

Gregory Corso and Fernanda Pivano in the 60’s

Charly — courtesy by Patricia Elliott

pic of Michael McCracken — courtesy by Michael McCracken, Jr.

Janis Joplins and Big Brother San Francisco 1966 – courtesy of Michael Bowen

Credit Robert Baldwin for this one!

Giuseppe Ungaretti (1968)—these are my rivers (ferlinghetti’s favourite italian beat poet)

Allen Ginsberg and italian avantgard poet Edoardo Sanguineti– photo credit to Inge Feltrinelli

Here’s a picture of David Meltzer at a reading in the 60’s

Here is a picture of Arthur Monroe –courtesy of Michael McCracken, Jr.

Caleb Carr (son of Lucien–core beat), Albany 2001.

1983 hey all, april’s first day: d. boon’s b-day give him a thought love from watt

1971 Ken Kesey

2002 This is a recent photo of Claude by Pelieu by Laki Vazakas.—courtesy by Charles Plymell.

1963 Here’s one of Allen and Neal in San Francisco by Charles Plymell.

1998 Andy Clausen, Charles Plymell, Ray Bremser, Janine Pommy Vega in Cherry Valley, 1998.—courtesy by Charles Plymell.

Jack Kerouac

K.T. Wiegman at Jack Kerouac Street — photo by jon fox

A recent photo of Hammond Guthrie

Fernanda Pivano— Genoa july 2001 — courtesy newspaper laRepubblica

Ferlinghetti cab

Man with beard —courtesy Leon Tabor

Neal & Ann—courtesy Leon Tabor

JK , the grave

Fernanda Pivano and Jack Kerouac Milan 1966 photo taken by Ettore Sottsass courtesy frassinelli editore

1979 Castelporziano – Rome – Poetry Festival on the beach

1963 Allen Ginsberg in India and in London on his 39 birthday

Daunbailo Tom Waits John Lurie Roberto Benigni

Tom Waits

Kerouac On The Road Voyager 2002

Michael Bowen “donde esta la pastura”

beat folks (circa summer 1997)

Marshall McLuhan and Ginsberg poster on the wall 1968

The great Chinawski Don Franks is the great Chinawski

Erni Bär
It was just a bold try by someone (me!) who admires the Beats since almost 40 Years. As a matter of fact I consider myself very serously as a genuine “Dharma Bum” since I have studied quite some time with Tibetan masters but never left the Beat background totally behind. On my website you learn that I refer to them and compare their high energy level with the concept of Tibetan lineages. I feel “BEAT”, though never had any real contact with one of the guys. I have been to Marin County and have climbed Mount Tamalpais where Jack slept outside sometimes. I have seen Sausalito and I have strolled around a little bit in Greenwich Village where the guys used to roam around half a century ago—Erni Bär — visit me on

Yoko Ono and John Lennon

Tom Christopher cartoonist_—-As a writer I have written the definitive biography of Beat Generation writer Neal Cassady

Peter Edler painting libby@home 2006

MIKE WATT the bassist: hey, I’m trying to get the hang of this self-timer thing on my camera!—29 april 2006.

"roll the dice"

if you're going to try, go all the
way. otherwise, don't even start.

if you're going to try, go all the
way. this could mean losing girlfriends,
wives, relatives, jobs and
maybe your mind.

go all the way.
it could mean not eating for 3 or 4 days.
it could mean freezing on a park bench.
it could mean jail, it could mean derision,
mocker, isolation.

isolation is the gift,
all the others are a test of you
endurance, of how much you really want to
do it. and you'll do it despite rejection and the
worst odds and it will be better than
anything else you can imagine.

if you're going to try,
go all the way. there is no other feeling like
that. you will be alone with the
gods and the nights will flame with

do it, do it, do it.
do it.

all the way
all the way.
you will ride life straight to
perfect laughter,
it's the only good fight
there is.

(from "what matters most is how
well you walk through the fire" by
charles bukowski)

Erni Bär bodhidharmadada 2005 – I found in Hamburg port area/ CTA Container Terminal the other day – I found while strolling through Hamburg city (remember Guy Debord!) – Resin Buddha – Tashi Delek! Dharmadada Erni Bär Autonomer Klebe- & Nutzmüllkünstler Autonomous Glue- & Garbage Artist Zeitgenössischer ästhetischer Urheber Contemporary Esthetical Originator

MICHAEL BOWEN Cafe Life, oil on canvas. Lent by Phil Johnson from re beat exhibition san Francisco 1996


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Tolstoy once said “Art is bringing people together”.

The following review in Italian and English will introduce you to a subterranian California artist who has had a continuous impact on global cultural affairs for the last 50 years. Until recently Michael Bowen’s highly valued paintings, drawings and assemblages have been known only to a small elite group of international collectors. On this page are links that will give you a peek into his vast and growing body of work and take you behind the scenes in the creative firmament of the Beatnik led cultural revolution of the 1950s and 60s.
The 1967 global happening, engineered by Michal Bowen, his Guru, John Starr Cook, and the staff of the San Francisco Oracle, called the ” Summer of Love”, culminated in the historic 1969 Woodstock Festival and continues to bring people together who desire artistic and spiritual liberty while caring and sharing with one another.

Prato speciale Carmignano Domenica 6 Decembre 1998
Saturday December 19th 1998 in the gallery of Carmignano

In mostra le opere di Michael Bowen un leader della rivoluzione artistica

Sabato 19 Dicembre la saletta adiacente al salone ospiterà i lavori di un artista, vero
leader nella rivoluzione culturale, un artista di grande prestigio
lo statunitense ed attivista, ruolo che gli è stato riconosciuto: Michael Bowen.
Il pittore e’ considerato a Carmignano e ha accettato la proposta della Pro Loco
con entusiasmo, come artista che nutre amore per la nostra terra.
E’ un personaggio conosciuto per la pittura ad olio,
come acquaforgio di fama internazionale e filosofo spiritualista. Ha esposto le sue
opere in molte mostre d’arte orientale ed occidentale.
E’ famoso nei musei statunitensi ed europei. Per Carmignano e’ un grande onore poterlo ospitare.




Heres what they are saying about Bowen in Italy

“He is the father of Performance Art.!”

by Stella Spinelli

“Everyday he expresses into the canvas

the activities and experience that were flooding his life.”

Saturday the Pro Loco, cultural association of Carmignano will have the

honor to inaugurate the exhihition of paintings by Michael Bowen,

paintings of San Francisco, Mexico, Hawaii, India and Tuscany.

Michael Bowen is a famous artist who is known all over the world; he is a

philosopher, spiritualist, historian. He is an exponent of the greatest

prestige of the |”Beat Culture”. His best works have been shown in the most

famous Museums. From the Whitney Museum in New York to the De Young

Museum in San Francisco. He lives now here among us in a characteristic

ancient villa of Carmignano. Here he lives with his young Florentine wife,

Isa, and their son Indra age 2, his 28 year old daughter Maitreya, and

major domo, Mr. Ram . He also maintains his other studio in Hawaii kept

by supporters.

Michael Bowen has led a fascinating and itinerant life: born in Bcverly HiIls,

California, December the 8th 1937, he attended the Chounard Art Institute in

Los Angeles. In this city at 16 years of age he created his first art studio. For one

year he lived and apprenticed with the great artist, Ed Keinholz, collaborating with

him and others in the pre-beat movement that has drawn personages of prestige

such as Andy Warhol.

In 1957 he moved from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Since then, and thanks to

many exhibitions in famous galleries of that city, his works have been acquired

and protected by many European and American collectors. In the early 1960s he

went for the first time to Mexico, which has become the favorite goal of his

painting tours. Back in San Francisco he created the greatest example of

performance art, the “Human Be In”, with his collaborator in performance art,

Allen Cohen, with whom he also created a great magazine of science, art, and

metaphysics called, the San Francisco Oracle, that expressed to the public the

concept of the “Beat Art”. He has inspired the cultural revolution in the U.S.A.

where he played the role of activist leader. The years between 1966 and 1998 see

the “Hi8” style of Bowen. Everyday he expresses into the canvas the activities

and experience that were flooding his life. Since that time he has become one

of the principal catalysts in artistic circles of the International avant garde. He has

sojourned in India and in England where he has known John and Yoko Lennon.

He has lived in Japan and in Cambodia where he has united the visual symbolisrn

of east and west. His paintings are rich in sophisticated mysticism, the fruit of his

complete experiences and prolific paintings in different lands.

Stella Spinelli
translation, I.Paoli

Pete Seeger 2006

MICHAEL BOWEN work of art from 1955 hail to the jewel in the lotus

Walter Hopps Berman Ferus Gallery alley 1959 courtesy by MICHAEL BOWEN

Berman show Ferus cross 1957 courtesy by MICHAEL BOWEN

Harold Norse photo courtesy by aaron 2006

20 december 2002 (_45_) mike watt birth day “the cord that spun that top was its own joy!” – dante, ‘paradiso’ (canto xviii) . . . . . here’s some fish and eggs I just cooked to chow for my b-day breakfast: “the cord that spun that top was its own joy!” – dante

MIKE WATT gobble gobble gobble

1962 Allen Ginsberg in Italy _giangiacomo feltrinelli photo archive_ (c) laRepubblica 2002

PETE EDLER a painting january 2007

Iggy Pop & Mike Watt october 29, 2002

.T. Leroy and Asia Argento 2002


PETE EDLER painting titled Sir! march 2007

MIKE WATT POLAR BEAR happy 2003 for the folks on this sphere

WAR POETS TOUR 2003 Poet Ron Whitehead and friends

Broughton as the ventriloquist & Alex Gildzen

Nick Cave 2003

Charlie Newman 2003

Mike Watt Polar Bear 2004 … still a little time left to say… happy new year! … st_pedro_sunrise_for_2004 … catalina_from_pedro … st_pedro_sunset … watt_the_polar_bear … watt_and_his_paper


<h2 trekking in mountains 1998

JUDY HENSKE legendary singer / songwriter

PETER EDLER remember 2007

Gregory Corso , 1987.

Michael Bowen ciao rinaldo questa photo e di un personaggio beat sconosciuto. del1959 che ho scattato io in san francisco grant ave e green ave. michael bowen

HUNTER S. THOMPSON Oh by the way, the reason you could find Hunter was because he was busy, see? Mowing the Lawn! Ha! alot of thanks to

Peter Edler writer artist in the beat underunderground street avantgarde

PETER EDLER, Hillary Clinton collage 2007

RICK GRIFFIN a cult figure who has set the iconographic terrain for three distinct subcultures


Hunter Stockton Thompson and Johnny Depp in 1998

Wayne Propst Recent Photo , october 2007


MICHAEL BOWEN John Lennon at home 1970

MICHAEL BOWEN Dog Dreams of Angel

MICHAEL BOWEN Checking in Katmandu 1970

MICHAEL BOWEN Flesh of gods

John Coltrane

”Remember Madrid” Michael Bowen painting April 2004 Bäck family collection ”Remember Madrid” Finally the trial February 15, 2007

Mike Watt Polar Bear Swim 2005

MIKE WATT _banyan_ 2007

MIKE WATT d.boon 2007

MIKE WATT iggy 2007

PETER EDLER, acrobats for peace – september 2007

MICHAEL BOWEN, NOW – november 2007

RICHARD BRAUTIGAN, short story in SF – november 2007

MICHAEL BOWEN Turk le clair michael bowen hawaii 2004

MICHAEL BOWEN The Dancing Flowers of Tepoztlan

MAN WOMAN The Door of Poetry

KENNETH H. BROWN standing in front of the new Living Theatre in NYC

MICHAEL BOWEN ” iran hangs gay children ” 2007

MICHAEL BOWEN ” certificate of honor from the mayor of San Francisco ” september 2007

MICHAEL BOWEN painting, Black Joes Amsterdam Bar


RAYMOND PETTIBON : one of the most influential artists to emerge from southern California.

PETER EDLER as painter Just finished this – I call it Spring. Best, Pete

Hunter S. Thompson and Ron Whitehead courtesy by ron whitehead

Ron at Gonzo mailbox and Woody Creek Road sign august 2005


my wife isa and i in our jungle hut 2005 playing music– michael bowen

the crushing of mexico by the american elephant painting by bowen 1983 — michael bowen

games people play carmignano tuscany italy 1997 — courtesy michael bowen

MICHAEL BOWEN AND ROBERTO AYALA on the trail mexico 64 by roberto ayala.. on the way to meet friends from an indian village that just got a hand mimeograph machine to communicate with the outside world thank you to Michael Bowen and his gentle courtesy for the photo

MICHAEL BOWEN PAINTING city living © Phil Johnson 1980, 2006 thank you to Michael Bowen and his gentle courtesy for permitting his wonder on this site


the weather at home by Peter Edler 2007

Ron and Sarah Whitehead february in Portugal 2007


PETER SIMMONS Hendrix pic was taken in August 1970. this photograph of Jimi Hendrix that I took at the Isle of Wight Festival in 1970. Isle of Wight the crowd They were taken for a Swedish magazine, Hant I Veckan and published 11 September 1970. thanks alot peter!

WAYNE PROPST resides Lawrence, KS artist, writer, slightly mad genius, friend of William S.Burroughs—many thanks to courtesy of patricia elliott

PETER EDLER painting ”Kiss”

Ron and Sarah Whitehead in Portugal 2007

Beat Comrades by MICHAEL BOWEN



MIKE WATT POLAR BEAR 2008 saltwater plunge off pedro

Pallet Knife, Hammond Guthrie 2007 ( january 2008 )


HAMMOND GUTHRIE, cell phone service painting – 25 april 2008

ERNI BAER, Dharmadada Zengarten 1997 – 25 april 2008

HAMMOND GUTHRIE, Picture for Picture…. – posted 7 JANUARY 2009.

MIKE WATT, Cabrillo Beach Polar Bears 57th Annual First Swim of the Year 2009 – posted 7 JANUARY 2009.

PETER EDLER, painting- posted 20 AUGUST 2012



thanks everybody ! stay tuned .

Saturday February 23 2019

(revised edition)


the beats


Rinaldo Rasa

four years old

on the Lambretta, 1954 – Ponzano Veneto – Italia



i am listing the beat generation since 1997



Maria Grazia Accorsi jack kerouac as gourmet what eat sal paradiso on the road– essay on apple pie sellerio editore —courtesy newspaper laRepubblica
Carl Adkins * *
Willie Loco Alexander [ is a massachusets based songwriter who released an early independent 45(mid 70’s) called-kerouac ]
Nelson Algren walk on the wild side friend to simone de beauvoir and lou reed

Donald Allen



[ The Evergreen Review, editor, poet, Grey Fox Press ]



Steve Allen



[ he played piano on some of Kerouac’s recordings, steve allen was the host of an early (50’s) television talk show…he mixed interviews and comedy much like the current late night programs..he took a liking to kerouac and had him on his show…kerouac would read and allen would accompany him on piano..they also did the hanover? recording…i believe allen also accompanied kerouac live in some clubs at the time…allen has always spoken well of kerouac and i believe he had an actual fondness for him…he is still alive today, has written many books and many songs, but is somewhat forgotten ]



David Amram



David Amram has composed more than 100 orchestral and chamber music works, written many scores for Broadway theater and film, including the classic scores for the films “Splendor in The Grass” and “The Manchurian Candidate;” two operas, including the ground-breaking Holocaust opera “The Final Ingredient;” and the score for the landmark 1959 documentary “Pull My Daisy,” narrated by novelist Jack Kerouac. He is also the author of two books, “Vibrations,” an autobiography, and “Offbeat: Collaborating With Kerouac,” a memoir. A pioneer player of jazz French horn, he is also a virtuoso on piano, numerous flutes and whistles, percussion, and dozens of folkloric instruments from 25 countries, as well as an inventive, funny improvisational lyricist. He has collaborated with Leonard Bernstein, who chose him as The New York Philharmonic’s first composer-in-residence in 1966, Langston Hughes, Dizzy Gillespie, Dustin Hoffman, Willie Nelson, Thelonious Monk, Odetta, Elia Kazan, Arthur Miller, Charles Mingus, Lionel Hampton, E. G. Marshall, and Tito Puente. Amram’s most recent work “Giants of the Night” is a flute concerto dedicated to the memory Charlie Parker, Jack Kerouac and Dizzy Gillespie, three American artists Amram knew and worked with. It was commissioned and recently premiered by Sir James Galway, who also plans to record it. He is also completing his third book Nine Lives of a Musical Cat. Today, as he has for over fifty years, Amram continues to compose music while traveling the world as a conductor, soloist, bandleader, visiting scholar, and narrator in five languages. He is also currently working with author Frank McCourt on a new setting of the Mass, “Missa Manhattan,” as well as on a symphony commissioned by the Guthrie Foundation, “Symphonic Variations on a Song by Woody Guthrie.” Amram and his son live on their family farm in upstate New York, when not on tour. Amram’s webpage



Laurie Anderson



performance artist



Kenneth Anger



film maker, _Scorpio Rising_



Alan Ansen



Poet, playwright, teacher, translator ,
thanks courtesy



Dave Archer



North Beach Wannabeat 1961



Jerry Aronson






Al Aronowitz






John Arnoldy

He appears in Beatitude 28 (1977) as the author of a many page prose poem series titled, ”Portraits.” He appears as an editor of the Lawrence Kansas Underground News Paper Vortex, (1970). I found he also edited a literary magazine in Kansas City called Harrison Street Review (1972) where he published Seymour Krim and Dan Propper and art work by Bukowski. He is credited with writing the jazz film Last of the Blue Devils in a shared credit at the end of the movie. I found him again as the author of a reflection on Richard Brautigan’s death in the LA Weekly, December 21-27 1984. I was told he appears on the credits of a film made of Simone de Beauvoir’s novel The Blood of Others but I haven’t seen the film directed by Claude Chabrol. He apparently lives in Los Angeles.–AM Desoto. photo of John Arnoldy taken in Los Angeles in the spring of 2005 Apparently he has finished a novel about a female jazz pianist based on the fictional grand daughter of Panonica Koeningswarter titled, Dead Mothers Day. Yours, AM


Levi Asher


Literary Kicks



Roberto Ayala

photographer friend to michael bowen


Albert Ayler
from Cleveland, Ohio, Albert Ayler: not the greatest of the ’60s free jazz/new thing musicians (that was Coltrane), but easily the weirdest. I’ve heard him called a jazz dadaist, but “medievalist” seems to fit him better: he plays a kind of demotic jazz that goes from low taste to avant-garde, and it’s all the same music. Best albums: MY NAME IS ALBERT AYLER: his first, done in Europe with a well-meaning and thoroughly competent set of Danish sidemen, who seem to love him without quite getting what he’s doing. BELLS: the best of his new-thing period. Total freedom music, comparable to Coltrane’s ASCENSION, but good-humoured at the same time. NEW GRASS and LOVE CRY: Albert trying to reach the masses, with lyrics and R&B backup. The amazing thing is that Albert is playing the same stuff throughout, against different backgrounds.—Rob Moody



Joan Baez

poetess, pickin’ guitar


Barry Baldaro *  

Barry Baldaro, Canadian actor and comedian. He took part in the first official Canadian ‘happening’ at Don Cullen’s Bohemian Embassy coffee house.


Vincent Balestri

actor, director, playwright toured “Kerouac: the Essence of Jack for 17 years in North America. Also has appeared as Charles Bukowski & Jack Micheline.—Reda


Lester Bangs

journalist, _psycotic reactions and carburetor dung_



Russel Banks *

[friend to Jack Kerouac, _Affliction_]


Erni Bär

It was just a bold try by someone (me!) who admires the Beats sice almost 40 Years. As a matter of fact I mconsider myself very serously as a genuine “Dharma Bum” since I have studied quite some time with Tibetan masters but never left the Beat background totally behind. On my website you learn that I refer to them and compare their high energy level with the concept of Tibetan lineages. I feel “BEAT”, though never had any real contact with one of the guys. I have been to Marin County and have climbed Mount Tamalpais where Jack slept outside sometimes. I have seen Sausalito and I have strolled around a little bit in Greenwich Village where the guys used to roam around half a century ago—Erni Bär — visit me on



Amari Baraka (LeRoi Jones)



Rick Barton

Then there is Rick Barton, the great “original beat” artist who died around ten years ago. Man, he was something else. I’ve written a lot about him too. Here’s an article I wrote that toward the middle gets into Harold and Rick a lot. Hope you enjoy it. Below is a photo of Rick Barton and I, “On the Road” in Mexico City in around ’64, our painting books, ready for a day of painting from life. The picture below Rick and me is of Harold LaVigne, a self portrait the day he toured (with a friend who worked there) the art collection in the White House. The article, HYPERKULTUREMIA, can also be found on my Myspace blog page, with lots and lots of art work by all of us beats

Dave Archer (L) Rick Barton ’64

courtesy of dave archer, photo by harold la vigne


Mary Beach

Bullettin From Nothing . She was a beauty. I did notice she had exceptionally pretty feet. I loved meeting her. Lively, talented, grumpy. Patricia Elliott — Mary Beach 1919-2006 Mary and her second Claude Pelieu lived a life of art and literature. While living in San Fransisco she started her own imprint at City Lights, (Beach Books, Texts ad Documents) discovered and published the poet Bob Kaufman. When she lived in Europe she translated the works of her good friends Allen Ginsberg and William Burroughs. A life long acomplished painter she also wrote experimental novels, “Two-Fisted Banana: Electric and Gothic”. She spent her last years living in Cherry Valley, New York, she continued to work on her collages, protraits and mixed media convasses. A marvelous woman of depthful intellect and passion. submitted by Patricia Elliott Marvin


Scott Beach

San Francisco’s Renaissance


Wallace Berman *

SF avante garde artist


Stephen Jesse Bernstein *

Poet, author, beat, suicide in 1992, Seattle WA USA


James Baldwin *

[{1924-1987} author playwright civil rights activist. Friend of certain members of the groups of core Beat writers, especially Kerouac and Ginsberg, who he legendarily referred to as “The Suzuki Rhythm Boys.” —thanks, Daniel Brooks]


Ted Berrigan *  

[second beat generation]


Joseph Beuys

environmentalist , painter, artist


Luciano Bianciardi

italian contributor during translation of jk’s subterraneans published by giangiacomo feltrinelli editore



Jack Black

journalist and writer of the book You Cant’Win he was for twenty-five years a criminal and served severals prison terms; what he says about the criminal’s state of mind and the effect on him of society’s present method of combating crime is, therefore, based upon direct personal knowledge– ”Harpers Magazine” 1929. In 1988 William Burroughs prefaced is book. A great thanks to
Alet Edizioni



Paul Blackburn

{ 1926 – 1971 } [contributor to Black Mountain Review, nyu and the univ. of wisconsin]–photo by elsa dorfman



Robin Blaser * [poet, critic, associate of Duncan, Spicer]

[Allen Ginsberg appeared before he died reading a song that Bono had written called “Miami”, William Borroughs appeared in one of the videos of that album before he died (the video was from the song “last night on earth”, included in “Pop” also).—Pablo Garc¡a]


Walter Bowe  



Michael Bowen

… i put the human be in together in 67, the oraclenewspaper with alan cohen, the march on the pentagon, created flower power as a way of mantric protection for our assault on the society by loading each haight ashbury press conferance we called with masses of flowers spending all our money even to fill up the ready to bite hard ass crime reporters who were sent to cover our events with a little natural beauty so they called it flower power then remember the daisys down the gun barrels photo i brought those thousands of daisys their is a funny story relating to all this…—michael bowen

Michael Bowen artist on wikipedia



Paules Bowles  



Billy Bragg *  

[English Singer, “Talking with the taxman about poetry” and other great work was asked by Woodie Guthrie estate to put music to some of the songs woodie left behind….thanks Scott Rex]


Alain Brault *  



Lasse Braun

American Desire, filmaker hard movie icona in the ’70s



Richard Brautigan  

{ 30 jan 1936 – 26 oct 1984 }[Change, novelist _Trout Fishing in America_]


Luke Breit  



Jacques Brel  



Bonnie Bremser *

[wife of Ray, is now known as brenda in the recent women of the beat generation book]



Ray Bremser  



Justine Brierly *  

friend of Neal Cassady, Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg in Denver


Robert Briggs * _homage to beat generation_ book
Chandler Brossard *  

[New York]


James Broughton

poet ( A Long Undressing: Collected Poems 1949-1969 Jargon 1971) filmmaker ( “The Pleasure Garden” “The Bed” “Golden Positions” ) playwright ( “The Playground” ) essayist ( Seeing the Light City Lights 1977 ) — courtesy Alex Gildzen



Kenneth H. Brown

a photo of me standing in front of the new Living Theatre in NYC on the opening night of my play, The Brig, on April 26, 2007. If you want to add me to your list with the photo, by all means do. The play has had terrific reviews and appears to be a hit again after 44 years. It will be awarded a whole new set of Obie awards at the Village Voice ceremony on May 21, 2007.
— Kenneth H. Brown



Norman O. Brown  

_life against death_ counterculture book


Lenny Bruce  



Lord Buckley *  



Charles Bukowski

{Ardenach 16 aug 1920 – San Pedro 10 mar 1994} [poet] “Henry Chinaski”



William S. Burroughs

{ 5 Feb 1914 – 2 Aug 1997 } “Bull Hubbard, Frank Carmody, Will Dennison, Old Bull Lee” [William, when I first met him in Texas, around 78–Patricia Elliott.



William S. Burroughs Jr.  

[_Kentucky Fried_]


Tim Burton  

film director Nite before Xmas


Herb Caen  

{1916-1997}[journalist, San Francisco Chronicle]


John Cage  

{ 5 sep 1912 – 12 aug 1992 }[Black Mountain School]


Edgar Cayce *  



Albert Camus  

[late journalist and author]


Bill Cannastra *

was a law student and a drinking buddy of Jack’s in New York



Aldo Carotenuto

psycologist friend to fernanda pivano



Caleb Carr  

[Son of Lucien _The Alienist_]


Lucien Carr  



Paul Carroll *  



Jim Carroll *  

[writer _ musician]


Louis R Cartwright *  



Carolyn Cassady  



John Allen Cassady  

neal’s son


Neal Cassady  

{ 8 Feb 1926 – 4 Feb 1968 } “Cody Pomeray, Dean Moriarty”


Nick Cave  

writer _ vocalist


Joseph Chaikin _Living Theatre_ _The War in Haeven_



Hal Chase  

[beat core]


Ann Charters  



Tom Christopher

As a writer I have written the definitive biography of Beat Generation writer Neal Cassady



Peter Christopherson  



Jim Christy *  

[journalist _THE BUK BOOK_]


Norris Church *  

[wife of Norman Mailer]


Jerry Cimino  

he runs a little beat store on the web and the BEAT MUSEUM


Tom Clark *  

Paris Review


Andy Clausen *  



Frans Clein *  

famous artist


Kurt Cobain  



Allen Cohen

Allen Cohen (April 23, 1941-April 30, 2004). Allen Cohen edited the San Francisco Oracle, a psychedelic, rainbow-hued underground newspaper published in the Haight-Ashbury in the late sixties. Allen Cohen was an elder statesmen of the psychedelic era and a true spirit of the counterculture. A humble man who lived very simply, he had wonderful sense of humor and a truly dazzling smile. Some even say he was the inspiration for the song ” If You’re Going to San Francisco “, an early Hippie anthem. He was a kind and brilliant human being who cared very deeply about his friends and the world at large. Wavy Gravy said Allen Cohen was “tie-dyed to the bone.” He was a well loved friend of many of the people already on your list. With his gifts of a visionary mind, a compassionate heart and the sincere belief that Peace, Love and Justice could be achieved through organized non violent effort rather than violent confrontation and armed only with his pen and his words, he inspired his generation. To learn more about him and his work, please visit

—peace and love, Nicole Savage —-
and of course, Nicole many thanks for your courtesy



Ira Cohen  

poet and photographer as well as filmaker, editor and opera singer _ photo by Gerard Malaga _ Storie all write _


Leonard Cohen  

[novelist _Beautiful Losers_, songwriter]


Al Cohn *  

{ 1925 – 1988 } [saxophonist who recorded together Zoot Simms often throughout the 50’s]


Ornette Coleman

the Fisher King of all jazzmen



John Coltrane

[_A Love Supreme_]



Bruce Conner *  



Albert Cossery

egyptian avantgarde writer friend to henry miller and albert camus in paris saint-germain-des-pres



Conzal * [an artist]
Francis Ford Coppola  



Gregory Corso  

”Raphael Urso, Yuri Glicoric”


Jayne Cortez  



Mohamed Choukri * _writer_ friend to paul bowles, ginsberg, burroughs
Elise Nada Cowen




Carmen Cox *  



Robert Creeley  

[Black Mountain School, poet]


David Crosby  

guitarist friend to Jerry Garcia


Henry Cru  

{ 1923 – 1993 }”Remi Boncoeur”


Robert Crumb




Don Cullen

Don Cullen (b. 1933)—Canadian comic actor and humanist,
probably best known for his supporting roles on Wayne &
comedy specials. He was owner of the Bohemian Embassy
coffee house in Toronto, Ontario in the early to mid 1960s, where the
first official Canadian ‘happening’ took place in early 1963
Mr. Cullen’s official website:



The Cunnies *  

a married artist couple


Merce Cunningham  

black mountain college


Walt Curtis  

street writer of Portland Oregon, translated Neruda and Garcia Lorca – La Mala Noche inspired the Gus Van Sant movie – photo courtesy by newton compton editori s.r.l.


John Darren *  

[was in The Living Theatre(actor and set designer), owned Darvin studio(sound mixing studio) in St. Mark’s Place and wrote for “The film-makers newsletter” he was also a poet and worked at Gurdy’s(The scene)]


Miles Davis




Fielding Dawson *

[who was around the cedar bar nyc scene in the 50’s…later he had books released by black sparrow]



Gilles Deleuze

Deleuze thinks immediately of one of the writers he admires greatly from the point of view of style, Jack Kerouac.


Gilles Deleuze, Big Sur, California, 1975 © Jean-Jacques Lebel

Johnny Depp  



Baby Dumpling *  



Jay deFeo *  

San Francisco Painter The Rose


DeMartiis Plinio  

_photographer_ of jack kerouac in rome


Bob De Niro  

actor son of the painter robert deniro


Robert De Niro  

[father of the actor robert deniro..he was a street poet and artist..his art is included in some of the poetry journals of the time…kerouac mentions him in one of his books] photo taken in 1982 by Tony Michelantonio Vaccaro in New York City


Giada Diano

she wrote IO SONO COME OMERO, vita di Lawrence Ferlinghetti Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore Milano thanks



Alan Dienstag  

Beat poet Alan Dienstag at 80 on the back porch of his home in Fairfax, California. Hopefully this confirms you’re on the right track with your evolving lives. Optimistically, Pete


Marlene Dietrich  

where have the flowers gone?


Matt Dillon  

_actor_ drugstore cowboy


Diane di Prima  

[Floating Bear, poetess,_Memoirs of a Beatnik_]


John Doe * *
Kirby Doyle * *
Elsa Dorfman [Portrait Photographer ]
Edward Dorn * [Black Mountain School]
Robert Duncan [Black Mountain School, Experimental Review, SF poet, associate, Spicer, Blazer] ”Geoffrey Donald”
Bob Dylan [poet]
Bill Ectric I am a writer who’s influences include surrealism, the beats, mystery, science fiction, humor & satire, and postmodernism. My website is called billectric. The link is: Bill Ectric
Peter Edler Peter Edler lived in San Francisco North Beach and Marin County from 1960 to 1976 as a writer artist in the beat underunderground street avantgarde.

pete wrote the book _forever beat_ it’s about beat street writers in North Beach in 1964 –

Larry Eigner * Black Mountain School
Patricia Elliott she’s friend to William S. Burroughs
Ramblin’ Jack Elliott [playing tunes for folks, Stories about Jack abound, like the time he played for James Dean in a Hollywood parking lot; or the time Jack Kerouac read him the entire then-unpublished manuscript for On the Road; or the time he serenaded a group of young British schoolchildren on a railway platform, later running into one of the kids years later who said the encounter prompted him to buy his first guitar. The “kid” was Mick Jagger.]
Kenward Elmslie * [Z]
Elliott Erwitt [*]
William Everson (Brother Antoninus) * { 1912 – 4 apr 1996}[Poet, Monk]{At UC Santa Cruz he set up an old hand press and produced wonderful broadsides and books. My brother inlaw worked with him, as a student. The press sits waiting for new hands to work the ink, set the letters,stamp words into handmade paper…–Gary Mex Glazner}
Mary Fabilli * Adventures in Poetry
Marianne Faithfull black rider wsb
John Fante bukowski saint patrone _ask_the_dust
Denver 1911 – 1983
Richard Farina * [novelist _Been Down So Long_, songwriter, second beat generation]
Christopher Felver

courtesy to poet ron whitehead
Lawrence Ferlinghetti [San Francisco Poetry Reinassance] _Lorenzo Monsanto, Larry O’Hara, Danny Richman_ — per gentile concessione Edizione Minimunfax
Tom Field * [Spicer Circle, JK’s favorite painter] ”Larry Meadows”
Warren Finnerty * [actor in The Living Theatre]actor in Living Theater productions of “The Connection” & “The Brig” movies include “Cool Hand Luke” & “Easy Rider
co-author with Parker Tyler of The Young and Evil (1933) which has been calld “the novel that beat the beat generation by a generation”
—courtesy of friend Alex Gildzen
Franco Fontana [photographer _Route 66_]
Charles Henri Ford * [View, surrealist writer]co-author with Parker Tyler of The Young and Evil (1933) which has been calld “the novel that beat the beat generation by a generation”
—courtesy of friend Alex Gildzen
Elaine Forzano I was in New York when I was 16 in 1960 and moved to San Francisco in 1970 where I lived for 23 years. Now I am back in New York, what a shock. I have been trying to pen my own book about Greenwich Village in the ’60s, but it is tough going.—Elaine Forzano
Charles Foster * Venice, author of essay “The Troubled Makers” published in the Evergreen Review, friend and associate of Alexander Trocchi.

Charlie Foster’s body of work went to the Bancroft Library at Berkeley. — courtesy of Daleth Foster

James Franco actor
Robert Frank [filmaker]
Jimmy Frankfort [cartoonist, i painted, did drawings for village voice from 1955-1974 under the pen name jaf–james frankfort]
Jerome John (Jerry) Garcia {1942 – 1995}[Grateful Dead]
Slim Gaillard * the bop artist in Kerouac’s -On the Road-. You can get some -On the Road- text about him (also Thelonious Monk and Dizzy Gillepsie) from my jazz page. There’s also a link to Slim’s picture on that page (click on his name). See for a bio.—Mary Sands
Bill Gargan [moderator of mailing list Beat-L 1995-1998]
Bill Garver * was a friend of William Burroughs. He was a morphine addict and lived in Mexico City
Terry Gilliam monty python
Alex Gildzen poet / editor student of Kenneth Koch contributor to Buddhist Third Class Junkmail Oracle (1967) editor of Toucan (which publishd d.a. levy & Richard Krech) one of “Eleven Cleveland Poets” in Asylum (1968) LSD poem in Psychedelic Art (1968) editor of d.a. levy issue of The Serif (1971) which first publishd Gary Snyder’s essay anthologizd in Hugh Fox’s The Living Underground (1973) editor of A Little Anthology of Lists (1976) which includes work by r.j.s. & Jonathan Williams cataloger of papers of James Broughton bibliographer of Joseph Chaikin included in Todd Moore’s list of outlaw poets
(photo by Jonathan Williams)
Allen Ginsberg 3 Jun 1926 – 5 Apr 1997 Irwing Garden, Adam Moorad, Alvah Goldbook, Leon Levinsky, Carlo Marx
John Giorno *


David Gitin My own work from 1962 onward is indebted to some of the Beats who were personal friends: Allen Ginsberg, John Wieners, Gregory Corso, Michael McClure (who continues to be), Janine Vega. You don’t have Kay Johnson there, who was one of the first active women in the ‘movement’. When I produced Poets Theater in San Francisco in the ’60s, I presented her, Janine, Herbert Huncke, Diane DiPrima, Lew Welch, Philip Whalen, et al. I also had a poetry program on KPFA in Berkeley where I promoted these and others. The magazine I edited, Bricoleur (1969), included McClure, Wakoski, Meltzer, etc. and a later one, The Amphora, featured DiPrima, Levertov, et al. My first book, Guitar Against The Wall, was published in San Francisco (1972). The first responses I received were from Ginsberg and Ferlinghetti. Now in my seventies, I live in Florida, far from my beloved San Francisco/Berkeley ‘former’ home. It’s good to see your list, which brought me many memories. If you look me up on Amazon or Google, you’ll see that my books bear comments by Robert Creeley, Michael McClure, and others. Anyway, this is to introduce myself to you. Keep up the good work!
Philip Glass [Requiem, Bardo, Nirmanakaya]
Artie Gold

Artie Gold (1947-2007)—Canadian bard associated with the Véhicule poets of Montreal. Known for his dark and rather imaginative sense of humour, he published the majority of his volumes of verse in the 1970s before prematurely ‘retiring’, more or less. Ill health—mostly allergies and emphysema—plagued him for most of his life, and he passed away on St. Valentine’s Day, 2007. More information on Artie Gold can be found at;

Herb Gold * (81) – in fine shape and writing – is San Francisco’s novelist emeritus, literary comrade-in-arms to the late Herb Caen. A chronicler since the 50s – in fiction and prose – of San Francisco bohemia, beat North Beach.—Peter Edler
Kim Gordon *
Paul Goodman * [psycologist, sociologist, _Growing Up Absurd_]
Gary Goodrow * [actor in The Living Theatre]
Edward Gorey [painter, friend to Frank O’Hara]
Robert Gover * *
Joseph Grant _writer_
James Grauerholz [Burroughs aid and heir]
Morris Graves * *
Alberto Grifi underground filmaker new american cinema
Rick Griffin RICK WAS ALWAYS A GOOD PAINTER — michael bowen

The art of Rick Griffin, whether in cartoons for Surfer magazine, psychedelic posters, Zap Comix, or Christian imagery, mirrors the values and spiritual yearning of a whole generation of youth.
more information

Miguel Grinberg [poeta y ec¢logo. Edit¢ numerosas publicaciones literarias y alternativas desde los sesentas hasta hoy. En algunas de ellas como “Eco Contempor neo”, de los sixties, hay muchas cartas, poemas y colaboraciones beats. Incluso, aparece citado en alg£n libro de Ginsberg (biografia de Allen Ginsberg “Dharma Lion, a biografy of Allen Ginsberg”; p gina 423) y hasta en una foto con ‚l, un poco mas arriba de Bob Dylan.–Sergio Alejandro Balardini “scannear” a picture of Miguel]
Emmet Grogan * [second beat generation, was one of the founders of the Diggers]
Robert Jasper Grootveld 60s provo (provocation) movement
Felix Guattari beat aficionado
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna _notas de viaje_
Hammond Guthrie [writer]
Woody Guthrie { 1912 – 1967 }[_Bound For Glory_, _This land is your land_, leftist trade union song, [Woody Guthrie has a couple books besides “Bound For Glory” which might deserve mentioning. ”Seeds of Man” and ”Born to Win”.—david rhaesa]]
Brion Gysin Burroughs collaborator, painter who exhibited with the surrealist. Invented the Dream Machine, and the cut – up method of which was utilized in manipulating written texts and audio tapes
Philip Hackett poet sf north beach area
Larry Hankin Back in the 60’s (before and after the summer of 1997) I was an original member/performer in San Francisco with Scott Beach at The Committee (a political and social satirical improv group) that entertained and worked with many of the S.F. people on the list already, including Michael Bowen and Peter Edler, Dino Valenti, Richard Brautigan, Wavy Gravy – when he was Hugh Romney, Michael Mclure, Bill Hicks & The Charlatans, etc… On my days off, Edler and I wrote and performed political and social satire at the Coffee Gallery in North Beach, regularly on Monday nights — Larry Hankin

Larry Hankin is one of the best people to ever be creative in san Francisco. How he got missed so far is beyond me. I just kind of assumed he was on your now very important list. I cant think of a more important person in the entire beat scene than larry hankin.
—Michael Bowen

Keith Haring painter
Howard Hart * jazz drummer, poet
Richie Havens freedom woodstock festival 1969
Dave Hazelwood * printer of chapbooks , Auerhahn Press
Wally Healey * Wally Healey, a painting done over magazine page … you can read about Wally at the url below. He really needs to be remembered. Wally was in a group beat show put on by Harold LaVigne in the mid 60’s at Harold’s gallery, The Joker’s Flux: There is probably no photo of him, but if you look at this blog you will find what remains of his artwork. fuseaction blog—courtesy by dave archer thanks a lot
Wally Hedrick * [Gallery Six, husband of Jay DeFeo]
LouAnne Henderson *
Jimi Hendrix guitarist – star spangled banner
Judy Henske “Queen of thte Beatniks” legendary singer / songwriter opening act for Lenny Bruce at LA’s Unicorn Coffee House landmark albums on Reprise & Electra Alex Gildzen Santa Fe _______________________ blog: Arroyo Chamisa videos: You Tube website: Gildzen Gildzen
—courtesy and thanks to Alex Gildzen
Fred (Freddie) Herko was a great dancer
Bill Hicks {December 16, 1961 — February 26, 1994}[God’s Comic]
Jack Hirshman _poet_
Tehching Hsieh * *
Abbie Hoffman [Youth International Party, Yippies, Steal This Book]
Albert Hofmann chemist
John Clellon Holmes novelist Go
Dennis Hopper actor filmaker
Vaclav Hrabe [czech beat V clav Hrabe was the writer (Horecka-The Fever) and poet (e.g. Blues).— Martina ]
Herbert Huncke guru to Ginsberg Kerouac and Burroughs hustler Guilty of Everything
Byron Hunt Byron Hunt / original beat poet Byron Hunt, great beat poet and trickster, also mentioned in article below. He is the poet who gave Allen Ginsberg “Moloch” that Allen used in Howl. He always said, “Allen and I were up on the hill overlooking the financial district and I started jumping up and down waving my arms yelling ‘MOLOCH!, MOLOCH!, MOLOCH!’ and Allen used it in Howl and never thanked me for it. Some poets are like that”. Ha! Byron passed years ago. God I loved that man.

courtesy dave archer

Evan Hunter * _Blackboard Jungle_,_Second Ending_, sociologist
Robert Hunter * [poet / song writer]
William Inge * *
Natalie Jackson *
Mick Jagger rolling stones
Jim Jarmusch filmaker
Robinson Jeffers * *
Ted Joans [Jazz Poetry, Heralded as the only authentic African American Surrealist by Andre Breton. Poet, Painter, Jazz Musician and roommate of Charlie Parker]

Ted Joans, 1928-2003
by Robin D. G. Kelley
May 16th, 2003 3:30 PM
On May 7, Ted Joans, extraordinary poet and world citizen, joined the ancestors. If you didn’t know Ted, then you couldn’t really dig how the Village became hip in the 1950s. The truly “teducated” knew Mr. Joans as a tornado of a man, slight in stature, copper in tone with big dancing eyes, who spoke in up-tempo cadences, as if he swallowed a horn and had a rhythm section under his hat. Meeting Ted eight years ago, I learned to possess the power to pull the marvelous out of a pot or a champagne glass, a sliver of garlic or a tattered roll of paper, a memory, story, or song.

Born in Cairo, Illinois, Joans came into the world on July 4, 1928, but contrary to myth he was not born on a riverboat. He studied trumpet, sang bebop, and earned a B.A. in Fine Arts from Indiana University before moving to Greenwich Village in 1951 and becoming a true bohemian. He was one of the original Beat poets, though you wouldn’t know it from most Beat anthologies. He was the author of over 30 books of poetry, prose, and collage, including Black Pow-Wow, Beat Funky Jazz Poems, Afrodisia, Jazz is Our Religion, Double Trouble, Wow, and Teducation. Joans was the granddaddy of bringing jazz and “spoken word” together on the bandstand. When his former roommate, the great saxophonist Charlie Parker, passed away in 1955, it was Joans who began scrawling “Bird Lives!” all over Lower Manhattan.

A well-known black expatriate, Joans initially bypassed Europe and went straight to the Motherland in the early 1960s. Timbuktu became his home base, but he traveled around much of the world—a boho hobo and proud of it—doing poetry readings, writing jazz criticism, creating “happenings” as such events came to be called. He exchanged ideas with the leading figures of surrealism, hung out with Jack Kerouac, met an admiring Malcolm X, broke bread with Afro-Cuban painter Wifredo Lam and African American painter Bob Thompson, swapped bread tales with singer and hustler “Babs” Gonzalez, and played invisible man when the invites came with no bread. In recent years, he lived and traveled with his companion/compatriot, artist Laura Corsiglia Joans.

Joans’s mantra was “Jazz is my religion and surrealism is my point of view.” While Andre Breton acknowledged Joans as the only African-American surrealist he ever met, Joans’ main man was Langston Hughes. There are echoes of Hughes in Joans’s poems and his performance style. In his best known poem, “The Truth,” he warns us not to fear the poets among us, for they speak the truth; they are our seers, clairvoyants, and visionaries. Joans also knew that speaking truth is a dangerous thing—he called one series of poems “hand grenades” since they were intended to “explode on the enemy and the unhip.” While his topics ranged from love, poverty, and Africa to the blues and rhinos, all of his writing, like his life, was a relentless revolt.

In 1968, Joans dispatched his nearly-forgotten “Black Flower” statement, a surrealist manifesto that envisioned a movement of black people in the U.S. bringing down American imperialism from within with the weapon of poetic imagery, “black flowers” sprouting all over the land. While some of the poems explode like a bomb, others only spring up like a toy snake from a can. His imagery is rich with humor, joy, and sensuality, all evident in works like the “Flying Rats of Paris” or the darkly humorous “Deadnik.”

Joans died in his apartment in Vancouver, Canada. He and Laura had moved there after the acquittal of the officers who fatally shot Amadou Diallo; he vowed then not to reside in these United States ever again. When he left us, he had no money, suffered from diabetes, and was surviving by reading poetry and selling his personal papers to libraries. He had just completed his “Collaged Autobiography,” a remarkable memoir waiting for the right publisher. Although one of his favorite lines to admirers who proffered invitations was “no bread, no Ted,” money was never really his bag. He just wanted to get by so he could live life “surreally.” He lindy-hopped on the “American Dream” and its attendant industrial work ethic and chose a life of play.

“So in my rather sorrowful impecunious state,” he recently wrote, “I find myself filled to the beautiful brim with love and with this shared love I continue to live my poem-life.” A few poets in the know have already left chalked salutes in the streets. Let the Village know: “Ted Lives!” ##

Hettie Jones *
Joyce Johnson [JK’s girlfriend during 1957/58, in 1984 she won the National Book Critics Circle Award]
Janis Joplin *
Abdul Kader writer hippie in iraqi on the seventies
Lenore Kandel [poetess, _The Love Book_ East/West house, ”Ramona Schwartz”]
David Kammerer * _was a friend of Burroughs_
Jerry Kamstra [Jerry Kamstra and Michael McCracken, Jr. in Santa Cruz 11-99. Jerry and my father were best friends, along with Arthur Monroe and Michael Bowen. —Michael McCracken, Jr.]
Allan Kaprow happening performer
Michael Karoli monster movie holger czukay group
Alan Kaufman [A new young Kerouac…Alan Kaufman’s poetry has the bebop sound of the best Beat poetry.” Ruthe Stein, SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE]
Bob Kaufman { 18 Apr 1925 – 12 Jan 1986 }[poet Bob Kaufman, photo copyright Roberto Ayala. collection of, I Paoli, private library Florence Italy “poet Bob Kaufman died penniless and suffering in San Francisco, while a few blocks away his publisher,Lawrence Ferlingheti of City Lights books, continued to sell and profit by the great black poets most important works. The black people of America have been treated as an invisible race while the whites either enslaved or exploited them. In this sense, Bob Kaufmans fate at the hands of Lawrence Ferlingheti is no different than the fate of millions of tortured American black people from the times of slavery until today.” statement by Michael Bowen see Bowens article “Satty is Dead” an excerpt from his forthcoming book. “The San Francisco Mandalla” on zpub or woodstocknation .]
Aki Kaurismäki filmaker ,Leningrad Cowboys go America,
Larry Keenan Larry Keenan, who took lots of photos of the Beats, Hippies, and other counter-culture people— Bill Ectric interview Larry
The photograph of Larry Keenan is by Chelsea Keenan. Larry Keenan website

Harvey Keitel [actor friend to allen ginsberg praha 1968
John Kelly * [Beatitude]
Robert Kelly _the blue yak_
Barry L. Kennedy Attached please find photo of B.L. Kennedy (aka Bari). This photo was taken by Anne Menebroker, another fine poet (and co-hort of Charles Bukowski). Correction to previous e-mail: Bari graduated from Naropa in 1993. In addition to the Kerouac tributes previously mentioned, Bari was also the creative catalyst for The World’s Longest Poetry Marathon, held in Sacramento, CA. July 25-Aug. 3, 1996 (200 hours of continuous poetry/24 hours a day). Reading On The Road is what lured Bari out to California in the first place. I am a friend of Bari’s (and a poet too); it gives me much pleasure to see him added to this list.–Kitt
Jack Kerouac { 12 Mar 1922 – 21 Oct 1969 }”Jack Duluoz, Leo Percepied, Ray Smith, Jack, Peter Martin, Sal Paradise”
Jan Kerouac [_Baby Driver_]
Ken Kesey [novelist, psychedelic revolutionary]
Chuck Kinder _friend to Ken Kesey_
Larry Kincaid Larry lives in Sausalito, he’s an oldtimer from way back in San Francisco, an artist, painter, poet, now in his seventies.

this one courtesy by pete edler

Alfred Charles Kinsey psycologist interviewed kerouac and ginsberg on the road
Jewel Kircher vocalist, neobeat, _Chasing down the dawn_
Mati Klarwein * *
Franz Kline * *
Seymour Krim New York

Glad to see you have Seymour Krim on the list.

I’d be happy to write something on him for your page in exchange for a link
to my page on Krim.

My new collection of his work will be out in April from Syracuse U. Press.
It is here


My Krim blog is here

Mark Cohen

Seymour Krim was born in 1922 and moved into Greenwich Village in 1943 to hang around the New York Intellectuals and wait for the arrival of the Beats. Krim knew he was a writer, but he complained later that writing book reviews and literary criticism “made a cramped miniature” of his spirit. Then in 1957 On the Road appeared. Its commitment to what Krim called a “decent equivalent between verbal expression and actual experience” changed everything. Immediately Krim began writing his innovative journalistic essays — early examples of New Journalism — for the Village Voice. He followed that by editing The Beats in 1960 and appearing in The Beat Scene that same year. In 1961 his collected pieces appeared in Views of a Nearsighted Cannoneer. The foreword by Norman Mailer announced that “in the work of Seymour Krim lives one of the truest beats of how horrible, how jarring, how livid and how exciting was this city.” Krim remained an essayist, New Journalist, and recorder of the scene as filtered through his intelligent slanted vision. He published two more collections of his work — Shake It For The World, Smartass in 1970 and You & Me in 1974 — taught writing at Columbia University and at Iowa, won a Guggenheim and a Fulbright, and lived in the Village until his death in 1989. Missing a Beat: The Rants and Regrets of Seymour Krim is a new collection of Krim’s work.
Mark Cohen

Kenneth Koch {1925-2002} _poet_
Paul Krassner * [Realist, satirist]
Jerry Kulek * (70) has lived in San Francisco since the 50s, still lives and writes there today. During the 60s he published Nexus, an avantgarde literary magazine. He didn’t make it that morning in 1970 to be on the family picture but he’s an avantgarde writer and permanent component of the North Beach bohemian tapestry.—Peter Edler
Art Kunkin * [Freep]
Tuli Kupferberg [Birth, The Fugs]
Joanne Kyger [poetess, wife (briefly) G. Snyder, girlfriend, Lew Welch, East/West house]
La Loca * [poetess]{I remember a reading of hers I attended in 1989 in Santa Monica that was totally fantastic. She had just published her collection for city lights _Adventures on the Isle of Adolescence_ (pocket poets series no 46) – and she read the entire thing, cover to cover. When she got to the final lines of ‘The Mayan’ a friggen riot practically broke out! People jumping around screaming, clapping wildly, total mayhem…Fantastic stuff–David Schwarm
Philip Lamantia [Poet Philip LaMantia photo, late 1970s copyright Roberto Ayala collection, I.Paoli, Beat private library. Florence Italy Philip LaMantia is known as the greatest living American surrealist poet.]
Michael Lang woodstock 1969
Irving Layton Irving Layton (1912-2006)—Canadian poet. Born Israel Pincu Lazarovitch to Jewish parents in Romania, he emigrated with his family to Montreal in 1913. As a teen, he joined the Young People’s Socialist League (YPSL), and began reading Nietzsche and Marx, resulting in his expulsion from Baron Byng High School before graduating in 1930. Shortly after, he met A.M. Klein, with whom he developed an interest in poetry. He earned an M.A. in Economics and Political Science from McGill in 1946, and a decade later he became known as an outspoken debater on the CBC’s Fighting Words television program. From that point onward, he became more and more of a ‘celebrity author’, publishing such critically acclaimed volumes of verse as A Red Carpet for the Sun and Lovers and Lesser Men along the way. Considering himself a Marxist for much of his early life, he later turned against the Left and came out in support of the Vietnam War–not unlike Jack Kerouac. Known for being something of a “ladies’ man”, he divorced and remarried frequently. He also served as Leonard Cohen’s early teacher and life-long literary mentor. He died at age 93 in 2006 after a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease. (Layton’s Home Page, maintained by the Univeristy of Toronto:
Ute Lemper femme fatale influenced by Philip Glass and Tom Waits
Jay Landesman * *
Fran Landesman * *
Erica Lann * [poet]
Bill Laswell * *
James Laughlin { 1914 – 1997 } [poet]
Harold LaVigne Harold LaVigne is still painting. He is Bob LaVigne’s brother, and a great artist in his own right. Lives in Nevada now and we stay in touch, often every day. I’ve written a lot about him over the years.—thnks courtesy by Dave Archer
Robert La Vigne painter
Peter LeBlanc * [artist, best known for series of portraits of famous beat poets. –Bill Raney]
Alvin Lee *
Turk LeClair Turk was born Lawrence (Larry) LeClair in Brooklyn, New York. He was a figure on the beat scene in New York’s Greenwich Village from the mid-1950s. An aspiring artist and actor, he performed in the art film, “The Flower Thief” with Taylor Mead in 1960. Turk was totally free-spirited and his East 9th Street pad was a venue for a number of psycho-sexual experiments, sometimes observed and recorded by university students. He developed his talent as a painter and was active in the DADA movement, as he traveled the world incorporating local art styles into his Dadaist paintings. While many people drifted in an out of the “beat scene” and eventually moved on, Turk never “squared off” and was absolutely “beat” to the core until his death from cancer in 2004. Eeeeyaaah, fuckin’ beautiful, baby!! (As Turk would say….)

— courtesy by Elaine Forzano


Hi I could not find Turk. A lot of other friend’s though. Dino valenti and I were very close. I was with Turk for the 4 months before he died in Pahoa Hawaii. He spent a great deal of time at my house. As the end of this life approached he became more and more like a real saint, a beat saint, a guy who saw that it is all really perfect. I was with him at his last breath also and have the photos thru out the entire time. Also the photos of his incredible smile, a collection of his poems and pictures. We played music together until the last day under the Hawaiian stars. His happiness was infectious. I never saw such a transformation. Love to all Michael
—courtesy of Michael Bowen.

John Lennon *
J.T. Leroy *
Denise Levertov { 1923 – 1997 }[contributor to Black Mountain Review]
Timothy Leary [chemical revolutionary]
d.a levy [from Cleveland, Ohio, d.a.levy: one of the transitional generation — too young to be beats, too intellectual to be altogether hippies. A great poet. The classic collection of his poetry is UCNHAVYRFUKNCITIBAK. There’s an essay about him by Gary Snyder in THE OLD WAYS.—Rob Moody]
Alfred Leslie * [filmaker]
Gordon Leckenby * [i followed the beat movement first as a poet, then as a painter. Currently some of my works are on —Gordon Leckenby ]
James Liddy * [As a post-beat, SanFran 60’s poet one must consider James Liddy; Irish Mystic, Barroom Mystic, Deep drunk Catholic soul. He was born and raised in the pubs and monastaries of Ireland, became friends with many from Spicer’s circle in SF, and is garnering more and more esteem in Irish Literary Circles. But is his work is seldom heard of. Read his Collected poems, or one of his many fine chapbooks for sublime, beautiful poems on Kerouac. They are worth looking for. He now teaches at the U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Poems of wit, humor, lost love, personal myth and symbol. Concise, sublime, vastly overlooked. A major poet, and one of Ashbery’s favorite contemporary Irish poets. His latest book, “Gold Set Dancing” deserves to be known and read widely.]
Lawrence Lipton [The Holy Barbarians]
Ron Loewinsohn * [Change]
Gerald Locklin * [poet, _The Long Beach Freeway_]
Philomene Long Venice, the beatnik nun, poet, lover of Stuart Perkoff, zen master, American Zen Bones, Wife of poet John Thomas, coauthor Bukowski in The Bathtub.

To Rinaldo Rasa From Betty Goldstein With sadness, I forward the following to update your website:

Steve Lowe poet / archivist secretary to William Burroughs ran Beat Hotel in Desert Hot Springs – courtesy and photo by Alex Gildzen
Malcom Lowry [novelist, Under the Volcano]
Ira Luis * [he was in The Living Theatre and wrote Chinese Coffee which was preformed on broadway ]
John Lurie *
Angus Mac Lise * *
Bill MacNeill * [Painter, Spicer Circle]
John Macker * [poet/editor of Moravagine & HARP Arts Journal, featuring Kerouac letters, Scibella, Rios, Ginsberg Bukowski, Perkoff etc. Friend & student of Venice Beats. Tony Scibella illustrated his first book, THE CUTTING DISTANCE, Denver, 1984. Poetry featured in Scibella’s Black Ace Anthologies throughout 90’s. Author of BURROUGHS AT SANTO DOMINGO. Hard-core New Mexico poet.—Calder Powell]
Man Ray photographer
Robert Mapplethorpe photograph friend to patti smith
Locke McCorkle * [was a Buddhist and he quickly became friends with Kerouac]
Norman Mailer “Harvey Marker”
Gerard Malanga * [he wrote Birdbath]

A friend and natural psychedelic artist beat poet.

If you were interested, he would be good for your list.

He lives in a tiny town called CRANBROOK in Canada

and every year parades down Main Street dancing

dressed as Mr Death peanut —michael bowen

Thanks for including me. I’m honored to be in

such company.



“On occasion, words force me into their living quarters

to form bedrooms of pleasure by the cooing of my voice. “

The poet ManWoman

Manny’s You Tube

Bizarre Magazine

Howard Marks mr nice
Edward Marshall * *
John Martin * [Black Sparrow Press]
Peter Martin * *
Lorenzo Mattotti illustrator influenced by 70s counterculture — photo Neri, laRepubblica
Valerio Mastandrea [actor] _A Farewell to Beat_ lectures
Martin Matz _poet_ ANOTHER EARLY BEAT POET by Gerald Nicosia
Lewis McAdams * *
Joanna McClure [wife to Michael, poetess]
Michael McClure [Journal for the Protection of All Beings, poet] “Pat McLear”
Caryl Joseph McCracken [She was a frequent singer at the Coffee Gallery and long time friend of Michael Bowen and Arthur Monroe. She was good friends with Janis Joplin, as they sang together often. Picture of her picked up from Arthur Monroe.]
Michael McCracken [Beat Artist, friend of Michael Bowen.; Currently has three pieces in the famous Wennesland Collection in Norway. Deceased 1968. – he was a very important painter in san francisco and his works have been preserved in norway in the wennesland collection. some of his pieces have been printed in a new book from norway.–michael bowen]
Carson McCullers *
Fred McDarrah village voice beat photographer – photo by Janie Eisenberg
Jackie Mclain * [Jazz Band of The Living Theatre]
Marshall McLuhan mass media guru
Don McNeill * [hippie journalist]
Judith Malina *
Taylor Mead * *
Johannas Mekas * – a writer
David Meltzer I noticed that you have no photograph of the Beat Poet, David Meltzer. Perhaps you would like to use this attached Jpeg of a famous woodcut portrait of David in its place. if so, please feel free to do so. Muldoon Elder
Richard Meltzer Richard Meltzer is one of the best rock writers there ever was. He lives in Portland. He moved there from Los Angeles in 1995.
Natalie Merchant hey jack kerouac 10000 maniacs
Frank Messina poet
Richard Hell Meyers [_Wanna go out_]
Russ Meyer filmaker _beneath the valley of the dolls_
Jack Micheline { 1930 – 27 feb 1998 }[Kerouac wrote: He has that swinging free style I like … and his sweet lines revive the poetry of open hope in America.]
Barry Miles Willam S. Burroughs long time friend
Henry Miller { 26 Dic 1891 – 8 Jun 1980 }
Joni Mitchell Joni Mitchell, Canadian-born singer-songwriter and painter.
Ralph Moonie * [he started the Judson Church downtown for homeless boys]
Arthur Monroe [Beat Artist, friend of Michael bowen; current registar at the Oakland Museum in Oakland, CA; Also has pieces in the Wennesland Collection (beat-boheme)]
John Montgomery * *
Todd Moore [my best know work is a 40,000 line poem called DILLINGER, abt the american bandit John Dillinger. Part of this poem has appeared from Primal Publishing. in addition, i have a long poem abt to appear from Kings Estate Press on Lorca, the Duende, New Mexico, and Death.—Todd Moore]
Malcom Morely * [famous artist]
Mark Murphy [his best-known recording, 1981’s Bop for Kerouac, a music/spoken-word project inspired by the writings of the legendary Beat novelist.]
James Douglas Morrison [“The Lords and The New Creatures” “An American Prayer”]
Shigeyoshi (Shig) Murao * [City Light Bookstore fixture]
Ron “Dante” Myers [Ron “Dante” Myers is a native of Virginia Beach,
Virginia. He studied creative writing at Indiana
University in the mid-1970s but moved to San
Francisco before completing his studies to be
closer to the Beat writers he admired. There, he
participated in a poetry workshop with
Allen Ginsberg and began a long friendship with
Harold Norse, his mentor in the “American Idiom.”
In 2013, he obtained a degree at San Francisco
State University with a double major in Studio
Art and Geographic Techniques.]
Grazia Neri photographer
Charlie Newman _writer_
Nico vocalist of velvet underground
Gerald Nicosia _Memory Babe_
Anais Nin *
Merri Nisker peaches avant-jazz
Laura (Nyro) Nigro [late songstress & poetess]
Ken Nordine * *
Harold Norse *
Alice Notley [poetess, – photo by Rochelle Kraut]
Frank O’Hara * [poet]
Paddy O’Sullivan * [Paddy O’Sullivan (or Paedric O’Sheamus O’Sullivan), minor poet (“Weep Not My Children”), major character–wore Three Musketeers costume, part owner of Coffee Gallery (I think), friend of Bob Kaufman in Kaufman’s last years at the Swiss American Hotel, that cheap dive at Broadway & Columbus. Minor character actor, was in “Little Rascals,” played “Stinky,” the little rich kid who wouldn’t share his toys. His parents were Vaudevillians. He is mentioned in Kamstra’s “Frisco Kid.” –ljardine]
David Ohle [Burroughs Circle, _Mortified Man_ _Cows are freaky when they look at you_]
Phil Ochs [folk singer, activist, friends with Dylan, Ed Sanders and Abbie Hoffman—Kelly and Scott]
Charles Olson { 27 dic 1910 – 10 jan 1970 }[Black Mountain School]
Joe Olvera [journalist]_I wrote a review of “The Mexican Girl” chapter that comes out in On the Road. That review was published in Dharma Beat, and in a Chicano site called: Aztecanet. That review is titled: “Jack Kerouac As a Mexican.– Joe Olvera”]
Yoko Ono [artist]
Joel Oppenheimer [ writer _black mountain college_
Peter Orlovsky [poet – friend to Allen Ginsberg] “George, Simon Darlovsky”
Genesis P. Orridge *
Al Pacino [hung out at The Living Theatre]
Breece Pancake [writer]
Charlie Bird Parker { Kansas City, 29 August 1029 – New York City, 12 March 1955}[musical innovator
Thomas Parkinson * [Ark, UC Berkeley Prof, Casebook on the Beat]
Rebecca Parris [vocalist]
Kenneth Patchen { 1911 – 1972 } [Kenneth Patchen was a beat writer. Two of the books that he authored are “The Journal of Albion Moonlight”, and “The Biography of a shy pornographer”.—Gordon Leckenby]
Joe Pelanconi writer
Claude Pelieu [Bulletin From Nothing] collages
Fernando Pessoa avantgard poet
Pertenço a uma geração – supondo que essa geração seja mais pessoas que eu – que perdeu por igual a fé nos deuses das irreligiões antigas e a fé nos deuses das irreligiõ modernas.
Nancy Peters * [partner with L. Ferlinghetti in City Lights, married to P. Lamantia]
Stuart Z. Perkoff [Regarding Stuart Z. Perkoff. In 1963 i met him in Venice California when he was “poet in residence at UCLA”. He read some of my poetry and viewed some of my paintings. At the time i had a couple of pieces hanging in Sams Pizza Parlor in Venice, a gallery many of us showed in. By then most of the Venice beats had moved north to San Francisco to be in the middle of the scene.—Gordon Leckenby]
River Phoenix actor my private idaho
Gian Pieretti [she translated in 1968 the poem Howl in italian language]
Charles Plymell [North Beach, hobohemian poet, novelist]{Leaving K.C. Mo. past Independence past Liberty Charlie Plymell’s memories of K.C. renewed– Allen Ginsberg}

Charles Plymell was born on the high plains in Finney County, Kansas in 1935 in a converted chicken coop during one of the blackest dust storms of that period. His father was a cowboy born in the Oklahoma Territory, his mother of Plains Indian descent. He completed his freshman year in high school and dropped out. After working in most all the western states at many types of laboring jobs, he drifted between Los Angeles and Kansas City during his hipster years, steeped in jazz, race music, and country. He later attended Wichita State for a few years, not obtaining a degree. While working on the docks in San Francisco, he was recruited by students and the founder of The Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars to earn an Masters in Writing. He then settled in Upstate New York with his wife and children teaching and tutoring courses in institutions where he could apply his knowledge and experiences. Many of them were courses in prisons until their population, increasingly victimized, due to the unconstitutional mandatory sentencing and the terrorizing political war on drugs made the experience too overwhelmingly emotive. His master’s thesis at Hopkins was quickly published by City Lights titled Last of the Moccasins and then by Europa Verlag in Austria. After it went out of print, it was reissued with the Los Angeles’ artist Robert Williams’ painting on the cover (now available as an ebook). Williams went against his own policy of never doing covers only because Plymell was the first printer of Robert Crumb’s Zap Comix. A few copies remain in print and are available from Water Row Books in Sudbury, MA, which has published a Plymell Reader titled Hand on the Doorknob. Many books, among them the Scarecrow Press book, Forever Wider, edited and introduced by Robert Peters; and other items including a collage book by 12 Gauge Press are listed in collectors’ catalogues such as Water Row, Ken Lopez, or on Bibliofind or e bay. Plymell was cited by Governor Finney of Kansas for his contribution to the people as well as the World Book for being the most promising poet of 1976. He opposes the National Endowment for the Arts and has criticized it in print. He claims it became a politicized unjust system feeding on its own mediocrity and self-contradiction. He views were mentioned in the New York Times in ” Notes on People” and again in “Washington Talk”. He was subsequently blacklisted and has never received any funding from any federal, state, or academic agency to pursue his creativity. Books: Apocalypse Rose, Dave Haselwood Books, San Francisco, CA, 1967. Neon Poems, Atom Mind Publications, Syracuse, NY, 1970. The Last of the Moccasins, City Lights Books, San Francisco, CA, 1971; Mother Road Publications, 1996. Moccasins Ein Beat-Kaleidoskop, Europaverlag, Vienna, Austria, 1980. Over the Stage of Kansas, Telephone Books, NYC, 1973. The Trashing of America, Kulchur Foundation, NYC, 1975. Blue Orchid Numero Uno, Telephone Books, 1977. Panik in Dodge City, Expanded Media Editions, Bonn, W. Germany, 1981. Forever Wider, 1954-1984, Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, NJ, 1985. Was Poe Afraid?, Bogg Publications, Arlington, VA, 1990. Hand on the Doorknob, Water Row Books, Sudbury, MA, 2000 Anthologies: Mark in Time, New Glide Publications, San Francisco, CA, 1971. And The Roses Race Around Her Name, Stonehill, NYC, 1975. Turpentin on the Rocks, Maro Verlag, Augsburg, W. Germany, 1978. A Quois Bon, Le Soleil Noir, Paris, France, 1978. Planet Detroit, Anthology of Urban Poetry, Detroit, MI, 1983. Second Coming Anthology, Second Coming Press, San Francisco, CA, 1984. The World, Crown Publishers, 1991. Editors’ Choice III, The Spirit That Moves Us, New York, 1992. The Age of Koestler, The Spirit of the Wind Press, Kalamazoo, MI, 1995.
Patricia Marvin

Claude Powell * [photographer, friend to Charles Bukowski]
Domenico Procacci filmaker
Dan Propper * *
Wayne Propst Wayne Propst. resides Lawrence, KS artist, writer, slightly mad genius, friend of William S.Burroughs, dear friend of many, can be mean as a snake, with heart that doesn’t falter —courtesy patricia elliott
Henry Prost * [actor in The Living Theatre]
Al Purdy Al Purdy (1918-2000)Canadian poet, one of the most respected and popular that Canada has produced. Born and raised in Ontario, he served in the Royal Canadian Air Force durring World War II. Fiercely non-academic (poet-novelist Margaret Atwood once dumped a glass of beer over his head when he accused her of being “an academic”), he published such award-winning volumes as The Cariboo Horses and Collected Poems, and was eventually awarded the Order of Canada and the Order of Ontario. Purdy was a friend of Charles Bukowski, and the two corresponded for many years. Many people considered him the unofficial Poet Laureate of Canada, years before the country even adopted the practice of selecting a laureate. (Purdy’s Home Page, maintained by the University of Toronto: )
Madame Rachou * [owner of Beat Hotel in Paris where beats lived]
Lee Ranaldo [he’s the guitarist from sonic youth, and has primo kerouac influence he read at the dedication ceremony for selected letters and portable jack, and titled his solo album “scripture of the golded eternity”–Paul Bissa]
Margareth Randall poetess
Robert Rauschenberg black mountain college painter
Lou Reed *
Freddie Red * [Jazz band of The Living Theatre]
Tim Redfearn * friend of Neal Cassady, Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg in Denver
Kenneth Rexroth * { 22 dic 1905 – 1982 }[Berkeley Reinassance, San Francisco Reinassance, Six Gallery reading] “Reinhold Cacoethes”
Steve Richmond * [introduction for Bukowsky]
Mordecai Richler Mordecai Richler (1931-2001)—Canadian comic novelist, essayist and screenwriter, generally regarded as one of Canada’s two or three all-time greatest authors. Often rather controversial in his approach to English-French relations in his native Quebec, as well as to his own Jewish heritage, Richler avoided the trappings of both the socially conservative Right and the politically correct Left. He started his career as a novelist while living throughout France and Spain in the early 1950s, and divided his time between Canada and England from the mid ’50s to the end of his life. Three of his novels have been turned into motion pictures: The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (1958; film, 1974), Joshua Then and Now (1980; film, 1985), and St. Urbain’s Horseman (1971; film, 2007). Richler received several awards for his writing, was nominated for a Best-Screenplay Oscar for The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, and—despite his curmudgeonly attitudes towards his own country—was made a Companion of the Order of Canada shortly before his rather-sudden death in the summer of 2001.
Frank Rios Poet, together with Stuart Perkoff and Tony Scibella were The Three Stooges of Venice.
Larry Rivers *
Tom Robbins books : Another Roadside Attraction, Still Life With Woodpecker —courtesy of ben
Robbie Robertson *
Cynthia Robinson *
Edoardo Roditi * [anarchist poet, friend of Gregory Corso]
Theodore Roethke * *
Ned Rorem friend to John Cage
Anton Rosenberg * [perhaps the model for the character Julian Alexander in Kerouac’s novel “The Subterraneans”. See San Francisco newspaper (Chronicle or Examiner, I’m not sure which) on February 23, 1998 for obituary. Its pretty funny, they write that he “never amounted to much of anything”. Thanks,— M.]
Michael Rumaker [Michael Rumaker is a 1955 graduate of Black Mountain College in North Carolina and is the author of the novels THE BUTTERFLY (1961), short story collection,GRINGOS AND OTHER STORIES (1967), which was reissued in a new and more comprehensive edition in 1991, A DAY AND A NIGHT AT THE BATHS (1979), MY FIRST SATYRNALIA (1981), TO KILL A CARDINAL (1992), and PAGAN DAYS (due Spring 1999); the play QUEERS (1970); and the memoirs ROBERT DUNCAN IN SAN FRANCISCO (1997) and BLACK MOUNTAIN DAYS (still to be published).—Mike Rumaker]
Peter Samuelson * [1960-1963 Bay Area Painter]
Ed Sanders [Peace Eye Bookstore, The Fugs
Edoardo Sanguineti [avantagard poet, friends to beat]
Albert Saijo [One name that I thought should be included is Albert Saijo. JK and Lew Welch took a cross country trip in 1959. They wrote haikus all the way across the big buldge of land. These haikus eventually ended up in an out of print book called Trip Trap–Jonathan Pickle] “George Baso” – Zen Master/writer Albert Saijo and artist Michael Bowen have been friends since the late 50s. Albert Saijo lives, writes and contemplates reality at Volcano Village Hawaii. There in the mists of the mountain and the glow of the volcano, Kilauea, he composes his work. photo copyright Maitreya Bowen. I.Paolis “Beat Collection” Florence Italy – here is a photo taken in San Francisco 1996 of Michael Bowen, I.Paoli, Indra Bowen/Paoli, Albert Saijo.
Jerome Savary jazzist friend to jack kerouac
Arturo Schwarz surrealist writer librarian open a beat bookstore in Milan in the sixties, friend to Marchel Duchamp and Andre Breton
Colin Shaddick I live and work in the UK and I am a poetry magazine publisher (Saw), poet, performer, musician and illustrator. I have published works by: Amiri Baraka, David Amram, Ron Whitehead, Bob Holman, George Wallace, Ed Sanders, Bingo Gazingo, Charlie Newman, John Rocco, Billy Childish, Sexton Ming, Charles Thomson, Bill Lewis, Michael Horovitz and many, many more. Saw magazine has been described by Ron Whitehead as ” Excellent! One of the best Beat poetry magazines available.” I have also toured Kentucky with Ron Whitehead and Sarah Elizabeth Whitehead, reading poetry and playing music with them on a fantastic10 day road trip. My poetry webpage: My music page, under my performance name of Uke Stanza:
Mario Schifano italian painter, friend to Frank O’Hara
Mark Schorer * [UC Berkeley Prof, critic]
Tony Scibella
Pete Seeger We shall overcome and Where Have All the Flowers Gone?
Graham Z Seidman [artist photographer – co-abitant of Beat Hotel in Paris 1955-1959]

I met Graham at the 2nd Avenue Deli in NYC in 2003. This is a photo I shot of him. Lucky to have met him, I was saddened to hear that he passed away in Dec. 2005. I built a small site for him. This is the link:

Hubert Jr. Selby NY, LA Novelist
Shakey it’s good to have someone like him out there talk the way he talks and walk the walk too— james taylor quoted by jimmy McDonough
Jack Shea beat photographer more infos at

Ron Whitehead – Remembers Jack Shea

Martin Sheen * was in The Living Theatre
Sheldon Mack Thomas cartoonist freak brothers
Larry Simms * *
Zoot Simms * { 1925 – 1985 }[saxophonist who recorded together Al Cohn often throughout the 50’s]
Bill Smith Bill Smith who was the Beatnik candidate for President in 1960.

For President: Bill Smith, Beatnik by Murray Rothbard (Summer 1960) Surely the high point in the 1956 conventions was that glorious moment when the irrepressible Terry Carpenter of Nebraska proposed to nominate one Joe Smith for President, and grand old Joe Martin, in his usual role as bastion of the democratic process, told Carpenter to “take your Joe Smith and get out of here.” No other incidents marred the smooth unity of the convention. Well, now I am proposing for President a man equally obscure, but who actually exists and is running for the post: William Lloyd Smith of Chicago. Bill Smith is a bookstore owner, duly nominated in solemn conclave by the national convention of the Beat Party of America, held in the beatnik Greenwich Village nightclub, the College of Complexes. To forestall any misunderstanding, I wish to state at once that I am unalterably and 100% opposed to the overall Beatnik philosophy. I am a champion of almost all the bourgeois values against which the Beatniks are rebelling. But politics, as we all know, makes strange bedfellows, and it is the political philosophy to the Beats that now deserves our attention. First we must note that Bill Smith is the leader of the responsible beatniks. The Irresponsible, or outnik, faction, apparently headed by one Joffre Stewart of Chicago, fought the very idea of nominating a candidate (like, only square parties really nominate someone), or of insisting on binding the nominee to the adopted platform (“only finks play to win, anyhow.”) But I am happy to point out that, after a bitter floor fight, the responsibles won out, and Bill Smith will campaign on the platform. Why should we squares vote for Bill Smith? Well, in the first place, this was perhaps the only convention this year that wasn’t rigged. The voting went to four ballots, something unheard of since the Television Age decreed that no one have to stay up too late to watch the balloting. Seven men were originally placed in nomination; three of them were Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, Senator Eastland, and Senator Kennedy, presumably without their express consent. Hurried conferences with the parliamentarian came up with the ruling that only people attending the convention were eligible, which ruled out the august Congressmen. Ballotting was then confined to Smith, Big Brown of Washington Square, Tom Condit, and the Golden Greek. The convention was nip-and tuck, with Big Brown (the “big” refers to his height, 6’6″) the local favorite son, in the lead. But after a long recess and much caucusing, Bill Smith, the golden-voiced orator who had delivered the keynote speech, was selected. Joffre Stewart, by the way, was selected for Vice-President. The final ticket does lack geographical balance, it is true (both Smith and Stewart are from Chicago), but selecting Stewart was nonetheless a gesture as shrewdly and coolly political as Kennedy’s pick of Johnson. For in picking Stewart, Smith, too was bringing much-needed unity to his party by selecting his bitterest opponent to run with him. Furthermore, the party is now fully integrated, since Stewart is a Negro. It is to be hoped that the irreconcilable extremists on both sides of the fence will face the facts and close ranks. What are Bill Smith’s qualifications? Well, not the least is that Bill, too, is a symbol of 1960’s New Men of Youth. Yes, Bill is a representative of the post-war generation that is now staking its claim to political power. In fact, Bill is 36, which is younger and therefore more representative and more symbolic than even Jack Kennedy. Bill is unmarried, not I take it for the usual squalid Bohemian reasons, but because “when you declare war on the values of society, it’s a hell of a thing to drag a women into it.” Well, what could be more forthright or heroic than that? Bill, like his Republican and Democratic opponents, is also a veteran of World War II. But Bill was not a PT-boat hero. Not quite. In fact, Bill Smith rather proudly proclaimed that he was brought up five times on charges of court martial. I submit that this is a most welcome change – even a New Frontier. Not only does Bill Smith’s war record touch a chord of American sentiment that has seldom been tapped by the major party candidates, but we can be sure that Smith is a firm anti-militarist, and will not lightly surrender the principle of civilian control of the armed forces. But the real glory of the Beat Party is not so much that candidate as the platform. Let me hasten to say that the platform is, at times, vague and even inconsistent, but what platform isn’t? There is no point in being too purist about all this; after all, every platform is a compromise of contending interests. One plank calls for “abolition of the working class,” presumably a reference to the future glories of automation. Another calls for a $10,000,000,000 subsidy to artists – apparently a sop to the socialist faction. A third was a little unclear in transmission, but it called for something like a “balanced debt” and a “repudiated budget,” instead of the other way around. (So, all right, do you think Galbraith’s economics any better?) But the true greatness of the Beat Party platform lies in its foreign policy plank, and its main political philosophy plank. Both are the most libertarian to be found in any party this year, if not any year. The foreign policy position is remarkably clear-cut and free of contradiction: absolute peace with all nations, because the “Beatniks are cowards.” The all-time purest libertarian plank, however, is the following: Bill Smith pledges that, when elected, his first act will be the immediate announcement of the dissolution of the Federal government. His second act will be his instant resignation. No one, not Barry Goldwater, not even J. Bracken Lee, will ever top that one. And so – Mr. And Mrs. Conservative, if you want a real choice this year, if you are tired of the socialism of the Democrats and the me-tooism of the Republicans, and if you have given up hope of the third party that has been long promised and never fulfilled, awake and take heart! There is a real choice this year, there is a real third party in the field. Maybe it’s not everything you hoped for, but in is by far the best you will have. So face the facts of political life, and vote for Bill Smith for President and Joffre Stewart for Vice-President. Don’t waste your vote again!

Jack Smith * *
Jared Smith I have just looked over your list of the Beat writers, including a great many of my friends, living and deceased. I’d like to be listed among them, if you think it appropriate. I came to poetry among the likes of Gregory Corso, Harry Smith, William Packard, and others in Greenwich Village in the mid to late 1970s. Harry Smith was the publisher of my first volume of poetry. My five volumes include: Song Of The Blood: An Epic (The Smith Press (editor Harry Smith, New York, 1986); Dark Wing (Charred Norton Publishing, Camillus, NY, 1987); Keeping The Outlaw Alive (Erie Street Press, Chicago, 1988); Walking The Perimeters Of The Plate Glass Window Factory ( Birch Brook Press, NY, 2001); and Lake Michigan And Other Poems (Puddin’head Press, Chicago, 2005). My works have received strong critical acclaim and/or blurbs from such poets as Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Harry Smith, William Packard, U.S. Poet Laureate Ted Kooser, Walter James Miller, Andrew Glaze, and others Poetry of mine has been adapted to stage in Chicagoland and at New York City’s Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. My poetry and essays on literature have appeared hundreds of times in literary journals in the U.S. over the past 30 years, and have recently started to appear in the U.K. and in translation in China, as well as in international e-zines. I have coordinated readings at numerous venues in New York and Chicago over the years, am on The Advisory Board of The New York Quarterly, have served as Guest Columnist for Home Planet News and Guest Editor for The Pedestal. Publications of mine appear in The Small Press Review, The New York Quarterly, Bogg, Seventh Quarry, Poet Lore, Vagabond, Presa, Epoch Quarterly, Home Planet New, The Pedestal, Confrontation, Bitter Oleander, Bitterroot, The Smith, and hundreds of others. My craft interview with Ted Kooser was published in New York and then immediately translated into Chinese by Taiwan Poet Laureate William Marr for publication in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Peking. All Best, Jared Smith
Harry Smith Musicologist, Painter, film maker, anthropologist, poet, publisher. Compiled the Folkways Anthology of American Folk Music, and Peyote Rituals also on Folkways. Had an exhibition of paintings with Duchamp at the Louvre. Films include #12 Heaven and Earth Magic, and Mahogony. Publisher of Pulpsmith, and The Smith.
Patti Smith [poetess]
Mark Snow * *
Michael Snow * *
Gary Snyder [Poet, Reed College group] “Japhy Ryder, Jarry Wagner, Gary Snyder”
Carl Solomon [_with you in Rocklin_, friend Ginsberg’s]
Lois Sorrells * [poet, FOUR POEMS]
Ettore Sottsass [ italian beat publisher ]
Terry Southern * [novelist, _Candy_]
Jack Spicer _ 30 January 1925 – 17 August 1965 _ poet, associate of Duncan, Blazer
Jacqueline Starer books _Les Ecrivains beats et le voyage, Paris, Didier, 1977_ _Chronologie des ‚crivains beats jusqu’en 1969, Paris, Didier, 1977_
James Stauffer san francisco bay area thanks!
Jacques Stern cranky beat poet
Pat Steir artist
Lee Stringer street writer
Michael Stipe [I’d like to propose the inclusion of Michael Stipe, or the whole band, R.E.M., in your list for some reasons. Not that they ARE or WERE beats, but they were surely heavily influenced by the writings, and you can see this in their songs, like they citate Ginsberg in more than song, and in the XFiles album, Burroughs himself “sings” Star Me Kitten, which original version is in Automatic For The People (1992).—Rodrigo Seabra]
Nicole Stoffmann Nicole Stoffmann (b. 1972), Canadian actress, jazz singer-musician and performance artist. Stoffmann is probably best known for playing the role of ‘Stephanie Kaye’ on the first two seasons of controversial Canadian adolescents’ show Degrassi Junior High in the mid to late 1980s. Since then, she has appeared in various other television shows and movies, and launched her career as a jazz vocalist and guitarist with Nicole Stoffman’s Jazz Boheme. In the fall of 2006, she launched I Want Rhythm: a series of improvised dance happenings performed throughout the streets of Toronto. More recently, she collaborated with poet R. W. Watkins on a haibun (prose interspersed with haiku). (Stoffman’s official website: .)
Joe Strummer *
Michael Stutz [writer] _ I sang out Father Death Blues at the house where Jack died.
Andrew Susac [He’s a beat poet from the sixties. I’m just now learning more about him.—Mary of Beat Generation News]
Adam Szostkiewicz * [a cultural journalist of 68’generation÷ translator of Keouac’s and Snyder’s poetry]
Leon Tabor [friend to Neil Cassady]
Cecil Taylor * *
James Taylor _West Coast_ Sweet Baby James
Luigi Tenco beat italian chansonnier in the sixties
Thelonious Monk jazz music be bop
Tony Trigilio beat scholar photo by Micki Leventhal
John Tytell * biographer
Stanley Twardowicz * He was a great painter and photographer who was friends with Kerouc, Corso, etc. . Many of the great photos of the great poets were taken by Twardowicz.
Hunter Stockton Thompson journalist
The Living Theatre *
Bob Thiele * [jazz poetry]
John Thomas Venice Poet, published in the Floating Bear – {Tue, 14 May 2002: I wish to inform that my husband Beat poet John Thomas passed away this Good Friday. He was 71 years old. — Philomene Long}
Mark Tobey * *
Cy Twombly black mountain college painter
Alexander Trocchi Living Theatre
Giuseppe Ungaretti these are my rivers
Charles Upton * *
Dino Valenti [Dino Valenti was a beat generation folksinger with a big following in the early ’60s, before heading out to California. He was part of the early hip music scene there, with David Crosby and the Byrds, then in San Francisco where he played at the Spaghetti Factory with Jimmie Hendrix. He wrote the song “Get Together”, recorded by the youngbloods. He was a big influence on other singers, such as Richie Havens.–Elaine Forzano]
Dave Van Ronk folksinger greenwich village
Gus Van Sant filmaker Drugstore Cowboy
Gore Vidal enfant terrible
Kurt Vonnegut sci fi writer
Joan Vollmer *
Janine Pommy Vega poetess
William Trevor Vollmann _Thirteen Stories and Thirteen Epitaphs, Whores for Gloria, You Bright and Risen Angels, The Atlas_Yesterday’s Crash_ the californian rimbaud william t. vollmann portaied by eunice choi
ciurtesy by
Tom Waits [songwriter, Foreign Affairs]
Diane Wakoski [poetess]
Anne Waldman * the GREAT beat painter / writer and all around tremendous character, also died some years ago. Charlie Ware:

courtesy by dave archer

Andy Warhol avantgarde artist friends to beats
Lewis Warsh * *
R. W. Watkins R. W. Watkins (b. 1969)—Canadian poet, essayist and underground publisher, best known for his haiku and helping popularize the ghazal in the English language. In the mid 1980s, while still attending senior high in small-town Newfoundland, Watkins and a few friends began ditching their punk and heavy-metal regalia and attitudes in favour of retro-beat clothing and mannerisms; this served to counter 1980s mainstream fashion, entertainment and ambitions, which they saw as mired in nostalgia for the boring, supposedly innocent side of the 1950s. Their circle gradually grew to include artsy types, anarchic dropouts, young sailors, disillusioned Catholic schoolgirls and enterprising incest victims—anyone bright, talented and disaffected by mainstream culture. By the early 1990s, Watkins and most of his associates were attending post-secondary institutions throughout the Atlantic region, and their scene effectively spread out into the Grunge movement that had found a home in Canada’s four easternmost provinces (with Halifax, Nova Scotia as its cultural Mecca). One by one, most of this circle has since passed away, disappeared or settled down into middle-class existence. Watkins, however, continues to write, publish and make his often-contentious views be known—although he has lived an increasingly secluded life since the mid 1990s, with his online presence ( ) being his only major connection to the outside world. Other notable names from Watkins’s circle include experimental poet Robin Tilley, singer-songwriter Kent Burt (a.k.a. The Linger Effect) and anarchist/sometimes-poet Gregory S. Young.
Mike Watt [bassist] mike watt’s page
Alan W. Watts { 1915 – 1973 }[philosopher, author, lecturer, teacher, became well known in the 1960s as a pioneer in bringing Eastern philosophy to the West, _Beat Zen, Square Zen_] “Arthur Whane, Alex Aums”
Wavy Gravy (Wavey Gravey÷ Hugh Romney) [photo by John Clifford – 1999] He organizedÿ ‘Be Ins’ all over the
Ken Weaver the fugs
Ruth Weiss [photo: Daniel Nicoletta 1987 “A fine funkiness: Beat Generation goddess ruth weiss (she launched the jazzpoetry readings at The Cellar) and trumpeter Cowboy Noyd will have their first reunion since what John Ross calls the bad old days.” February 15, 1993, item in Herb Caen’s column in the San Francisco Chronicle]
Lew Welch (Lewis Barret Welch) { 16 aug 1926 – 23 may 1971 }[_Ring of Bone_, Reed College Group, East/West House] “Dave Wain” – a critical piece by Charles Upton
Massimo Wertmuller _actor_ beat aficionado
Philip Whalen Poet, Reed College Group “Warren Coughlin, Ben Fagan”
John Wieners Black Mountain School, _Hotel Wentley Poems_
Elias Wilentz * *
Hank Williams 1923-1953 popular music
Jonathan Williams * 17 sep 1883 – 4 mar 1963
Clay Wilson * *
Michael Wilson Michael Wilson grew up in a den of bohemians and has now come out with the early beat artist’s on his website
The Ferus Gallery (1957-66) was a gallery and community of artist’s culture, born out of the beat movement and creating some of the well known artist’s today, most having their first exhibits at the Ferus.
Ron Whitehead [poet]
George Whitman * owner of Shakespeare&Co KM 1 Paris,France.
Ruth Witt-Diamant * San Francisco’s Poetry Center
Dick Woods *
James Wright * [Minnesota]
Richard Yates writer _Revolutionary Road_
Yod This is father yod. One of the great action beats of all time. A pure anarchist- courtesy of michael bowen
Neil Young * Neil Young, Canadian-born singer-songwriter and musician.
Frank Zappa *
Andrea Zanzotto italian poet, sympathy to beats
Wulf Zendik *
Warren Zevon _My Ride’s Here_ post-beat friend to Hunter S. Thompson
Louis Zukofsky Circle _ photo courtesy by Elsa Dorfman _
i’m listing the beat generation
(writers & painters & performers)
& i begin with a list, everyone
interested can propose a new name.


Rinaldo runs The Biggest Main BEAT (& related) website in Europe. 

Ron Whitehead
* stay tuned !!!

 ©1997-2017, 2019




Tuesday February 19, 2019.



thanks evrybody ! stay tuned .