an excursus in an anthropological politics close to anthropological philosophy


Autumn 1997.

Is Ted Kaczynski a schizophrenic or a criminal ? The man (55 years old) called “Unabomber” is now under process. A jury in the United States will be the audience of his answers regard his behavior during eighteen years during which he sent sixteen letters bomb exploding. He created a climate of fear in the States.
The trial began in Sacramento (California), the defense attorney of the former mathematics professor (Berkeley) pleads for the mental infirmity in order to save the life for his client. Theodore has become a hermit in his struggle against the computers.

Very uphill battle for the defense because in the States every behavior against the establishment, the actions anti-system is severely punished. Further problem is that Kaczynski refuses meeting with the psychiatrists.

Unabomber is accused for murder of three persons and injured twenty-three. The State’s attorney describes him like a radical extremist that hates everybody and everything relates with civilization : traffic noise, computers, pollution. Briefly he hates everythings conflicting with his view of the world.









i ask to you dear aficionados, please do not divulgate thi(e)s(e) picture(s) outside the experienceofthinking

sunday september 17 2017


9 thoughts on “an excursus in an anthropological politics close to anthropological philosophy

  1. …quesito strategico, diritto e psichiatria che si rincorrono 🙂
    Vengono in mente queste parole…
    “Ricordarsi che il processo è essenzialmente studio dell’uomo; non dimenticarsi mai che tutte le nostre simmetrie sistematiche, tutte le nostre elegantie juris, diventano schemi illusori se non ci avvediamo che al di sotto di essi di vero e di vivo non ci sono che gli uomini, colle loro luci e loro ombre, con le loro virtù e le loro aberrazioni.” (Piero Calamandrei).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. …quesito strategico, diritto e psichiatria che si rincorrono 🙂
    Vengono in mente queste parole…
    “Ricordarsi che il processo è essenzialmente studio apartment dell’uomo; non dimenticarsi mai che tutte le nostre simmetrie sistematiche, tutte le nostre elegantie juris, diventano schemi illusori se non ci avvediamo che al di sotto di essi di vero e di vivo non ci sono che gli uomini, colle loro luci e loro ombre, con le loro virtù e le loro aberrazioni. grazie del commento e della citazione.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It is so interesting, isn’t it. We tolerate to a degree, religious and political difference.
    But people who have an entirely different worldview, perception and experience?
    We say they are schizophrenic, or if not, bi-polar in a psychotic phase, or if none of that quite fits, schizoaffective.
    These folks have always fascinated me. They see the world so differently.
    I have always believed their reality might actually be an alternate version of truth, because I know how faulty my own “normal” perception of reality is.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. cindy : it is a level in the point of view to the world. the feeling being a drop-out and nobody help us is something like a de facto feeling. anyway if somebody experience this feeling in a deep way it is possible very bad and non-sense actions. yes you are right : philosophical anthropology is a new (almost) branch of a behavior science : between philosophy and psicology .
    i thank you very much for commenting .

    have a nice day my friend,



  5. I just watched this miniseries last week. For as much as I loathed him for his crimes and murder, I also felt sorry for him. He was too emotionally immature to be in higher grades. Ok, he was smarter than kids his own age, but people like Doogie Howser are just on TV and in movies. I also believe that the experiments that were done on him (at too young an age) when he was in college were cruel and inhumane and had that not happened, he maybe never would have gone down such a dark road.
    So there are a few elements that lead to his criminal behavior, of course the biggest being he wanted to hurt people (institutions) to make them pay for their crimes (perceived) against him.
    I personally think he wanted to get caught but on his own terms. He wanted someone on his level (pr practically) of intellect to catch him. He had to know deep down that he would get caught after he insisted that newspaper publish his manifesto.
    Have you read it? I am still reading it.
    Thank you for the thought provoking post.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. dear ,

    the unabomber is a brand for people that seems to conflict in a solitary manner against the society. a sort of ivory tower .

    yes it is a fascinating puzzle for philosophy.

    thanks for commenting.


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